Edgar Bergen
The Man Edgar Bergen, actually born Edgar John Berrgren, was born in Chicago a first generation Swedish American to Swedish immigrants on...

Pinterest for Puppets
Can You Use Pinterest to Get Your Name Out There? In short, HECK YEAH! Pinterest is a great way to get your ministry, non-profit, for...

Jimmy Nelson
My First Ventriloquist Instructor Jimmy Nelson is the first ventriloquist who put out an actual recorded training series that you could...

Shadow Puppets
What lurks in the Shadows… One of the most ancient forms of puppetry recorded is that of the shadow puppets. It is also one of the more...

Manual Blinking Eyes
Cheap Manual Mechanism This post is going to be short, but thought I would show an inexpensive way to add functionality to a puppet that...

The 7 Rules of Storytelling
Didn’t I Already Blog On This? NO, actually in blog post #29 I discussed script writing, but have gotten some comments that I didn’t go...

Vietnamese Water Puppets
Not Just for Stages Vietnamese water puppetry's stage (Photo: hanoicitybreaks) Water puppetry is one of major styles of Vietnamese...

Why is Puppetry Dying?
Is Puppetry a Dying Art? Puppetry is still alive and well (sorry if the title sounds a little click baity). Puppetry is one of those art...

Wayang Puppetry
Shadow Puppets on Steroids Wayang (or Wajang) is an Indonesian word “bayang” which means shadow. Wayang kulit, or shadow puppetry, is...

First Impressions: Logo Design
Represent! Why am I writing a post on logo design when the topic of this blog is puppetry? A logo is the most predominant and most...