Shadow Puppets
What lurks in the Shadows… One of the most ancient forms of puppetry recorded is that of the shadow puppets. It is also one of the more...

Manual Blinking Eyes
Cheap Manual Mechanism This post is going to be short, but thought I would show an inexpensive way to add functionality to a puppet that...

The 7 Rules of Storytelling
Didn’t I Already Blog On This? NO, actually in blog post #29 I discussed script writing, but have gotten some comments that I didn’t go...

2019: The 1% Rule
The Power of small Habits Whether you are just starting your puppet venture or if you are a seasoned veteran looking to hone your skills,...

Puppetry and the Classroom
Puppetry often gets pigeon holed, but it can be used in so many facets; not just entertainment, but education as well. From actually...

Jim Henson-The Legend
The Legend James Maury Henson, or just Jim as he was known by, was born in Greenville, Mississippi, on September 24, 1936. I joke that...

Script Writing
Let Your Creativity Flow I am a big proponent for teams to come up with their own concepts, scripts, and programs for two reasons. The...

Ventriloquism part 3
Birds of a Feather… Ventriloquism is one of those skill sets that becomes better with time, but also gets better with proper feedback...

Ventriloquism Part 2: The Cheats
Don’t jump the gun If you haven’t read the previous blog introducing ventriloquism, click here to read it first. Consider it mandatory...

Ventriloquism: I Hear Voices
What is Ventriloquism? Ventriloquism is a finely crafted art that has been mastered by a select few. The techniques of distorting one’s...