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Having a Blog

Why should my team write a blog

Blogs represent authority. Its overall power comes from the evergreen interactive nature of the posts. Blogs enable you to communicate with your readers (aka potential audience members and gig creators) quickly and efficiently. The most important aspect of communicating through a blog is that it is two-way interaction if you set it up to be so. Each blog can lead off of the previous and you can make quick adjustments based on the feedback you receive from your readers.

Gather input from potential audience

Let’s say you are kicking around an idea for a brand new skit, character idea, etc. You have thought about it for a while, and you are pretty sure you have a winner there. Before you would even make your first attempt at incorporating the idea into a performance you could post your idea on your blog and engage your readers. They may love the idea or not. No matter how they react though, your visitors will tell you exactly what they think about the idea. They may not be clear about your idea and ask for clarification, or they may help you improve on your idea by giving feedback on what they would prefer happen with it. The constant communication between your team and your audience is what makes blogging so powerful.

Blogs are a waste of time

You may think that your team could not benefit from a blog, or that there is nothing to blog about, or that nobody would be interested in reading about your services in a blog. It is simply untrue. You can make almost anything interesting. You can provide valuable information regardless.

Content is king

Think of your blog as the vehicle for fresh content about topics that excite you and your team while providing a closer connection with your audience by letting them in on the daily workings of your team. The topics you blog about has to be valuable enough, so your readers return regularly. They may not return every day, but if you provide value and make them feel that they are a part of your family, they will be back on a regular basis.

Get them and keep them connected

In addition to providing valuable content, your blog should also provide outside links to further reading. You may refer to an article you have read on another blog, embedding a link in your blog that your user can follow. The more value you can create the more your readers will appreciate it.

The world at your fingertips

When you are blogging on the internet, you can potentially reach a global audience. Your blog enables you to suddenly reach a global market. As you becoming a dedicated blogger, you establish yourself as an expert. Hence, you are building new avenues to success. As others learn about your blog, you are building your brand. A successful blogger can quickly become the talk of mainstream media.

The joy of teamwork

Don’t worry if you don’t have time to blog consistently, come up with topics and assign them to your team. This way, the audience actually gets introduced to the writing styles of the the team and get to know each team member.

How to start

I recommend having your own webpage and host the blog on that. is a great platform to set up a webpage for free and they even have blog templates and widgets to help create amazing looking blogs. From there, you post the link to your social media pages.

The reason you don’t want to rely on just making posts directly to social media outlets is because their algorithms limit your audience views and they have control over your content, but with your own web page, all of the outlets could stop posting your content and you will still achieve organic traffic through seo.

Help with writing

This is one of my shorter posts, but if you want to delve into it deeper, I wrote a book a few years back titled “Would Jesus be a Blogger.” Here is a link to the digital version to save you some money or if you absolutely can’t spare any change (puppets can be expensive) just contact me and I can send you a .pdf of the book.

As always, thanks for being here and don’t forget to subscribe, like and share if you haven’t already.

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