Vietnamese Water Puppets
Not Just for Stages Vietnamese water puppetry's stage (Photo: hanoicitybreaks) Water puppetry is one of major styles of Vietnamese...

Puppet Aerobics
Get Off Your Duff! OK, it is impossible to ‘learn’ puppetry and not practice. It’s not like riding a bike; it will not just “come back to...

Video Your Performance
Video Using Your Phone If you have ever been in a videography class or even watched video training on Youtube then you’ve probably heard...

The Emergency Kit
The Kit “Hope for the best, plan for the worst.” In a perfect world, nothing ever goes wrong, the mics never go dead mid performance, the...

Top 5 Must Haves In Your Team
These are the things that will make you exude professionalism to the people in charge of the venue you will be performing at as well as...

Perform Like A Professional
The Performance So, now it’s performance time and you have everything organized and under control. Yes? No? Well, I hope this blog post...

Ventriloquism Part 2: The Cheats
Don’t jump the gun If you haven’t read the previous blog introducing ventriloquism, click here to read it first. Consider it mandatory...

Arm Rod Manipulation
Make Your Arms Live Rod arms are the bare-knuckle precursors to animatronics manipulation. They have to be one of the most useful tools...

Advanced Puppetry
You Thought You Learned It All? You are probably asking why this is popping up now and why I didn’t add it to the earlier post on...

Keeping it on track
Now that you have the basics of your team on paper and you have your team in place, we need to discuss a few things that will make or...